Alhamdulillah..2 midsem paper was done..for Ocular disease 2,,the question is so 'serabai mabai'..there was Mcq+objective+essei Q..the obJective part is like Mcq many choice..but i need just to choose one,,huhuuu,,hopefully,,it was right answer..the MCQ question from Br Afzam is very2 details..i'm supposed remember everything in his notes,, usual..the same mistake,,i just read n read,,not study for each point.same as Br Muzi Q.everything is inside the notes,,but must remember everything..natijahNye,,aser sume statement TRUE..hahahaa..The moral is..focus on each point thought by lecturer,,YES...
~~fOr essay part..there was 4 question from DR Ahmed..i'm not sure whether my answer for 'sign n symptoms of ophthalmia arterial occlusion' make sense or not..just tiBai..i just remember a few point..i'm supposed REBUS KANSKI n DRINK IT..ahaaaaaa~~the rest of Q is ok but hopefully Dr xpening baca my essay..huhuhu..DONE OCULAR DISEAsE..
...OHH MY GOD!!!!...the question looks very straight fward n simple..BuT..the technique of answering must be correct.."saya sangat cuaiiiii..veryy silllyyy22 mistake....uwaaaaaaaa....sad..sad...sad.."my paed paper is falling down..falling down..."
Tq to Br Muziman..he thought me to be careful n TERPERINCI...we had discuss the answer right after the exam..huaaaHuaaaa....My ResulT is..???jenG3...padan mukaaa...should be more creative n critical thinking to solve n manage the Pead cases...congrats to all my frens who pass the paper successsffulllyy..huhuu..La tahzan for Me..(uwaaaaa..uwaaaaa)...
REMIND ME : 8months old baby..anisometropic amblyopia..
- give CL(undercorrect by 4.00D)-full time
- TCA : every 1 months..
- Patching..patch the good eye to stimulate amblyopic eye..